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Unstoppable Force is:

Vocals - Michael Douthwright

Guitar - Sean Goodwin

Drums - Brandon Leming

Bass - Emmanuel Medina

Guitar - David Rivas

Who are We?

We're a metal band giving you a reason to see music live again, and we release dumb videos online. We also enjoy long walks on the beach and going to Denny’s way too often.

Where We Started


Unstoppable Force rose from the ashes of a Slayer tribute band after Sean Goodwin and Brandon Leming made the decision to start finally making original music.  The goal was to create a thrash metal band that differentiated itself through progressive ideas.  It did not take long for the first album, “An Immovable Object”, to be composed.  However, the album still needed lyrical content.

Forming the Band

Michael Douthwright entered the mix after showing interest in being a part of the band.  Lyrics were written and vocal tracks started to be recorded.  Of course, albums cannot be completed without the promise of playing those tracks live.  The problem was the lack of a bassist in the band.


After some minor searching, Nicolai Thornton was offered the position of bassist and Unstoppable Force finally had the 4 members it needed to be considered complete.  The album was finished and released, and the band took to the stages in the Southern California area to promote the album.


The shows did not last too long.  After four months of playing live, Unstoppable Force simply stopped playing.  The band members started to drift apart from each other, and the band seemed to almost disappear from existence.

From Past to Present

After a year of Unstoppable Force’s nonexistence, Emmanuel Medina showed interest in playing drums for the band.  Sean Goodwin, Michael Douthwright, and Nicolai Thornton came back to the band to see if Unstoppable Force could be revived.


It was.  Sean Goodwin wrote more music, and Michael Douthwright wrote more lyrics.  Over time, another album was composed.  During the composition period, Nicolai Thornton was replaced by David “Starkiller” Rivas.

After the album was released, the band played shows constantly to promote it. Throughout the next two years, the band expanded well beyond the stage. They started uploading comedic videos to promote shows and encourage interaction. They also started to differentiate themselves from the scene by incorporating inflatable dinosaurs and sharks into their live show.

In time, Unstoppable Force found their official sound and live show. To further expand their sound, Brandon Leming returned to drumming. Emmanuel moved to bass and David moved to guitar. With the future looking bright, they started recording their next record.

The Future

On February 9, 2019, Unstoppable Force released “Momentum”. Beyond it’s vulgar and silly exterior was a heavy sound that inspires a simultaneous sense of fun and violence. Finally, fans were able to hear the intricacies of each song like never before, and those fans could now take those songs everywhere they went.

With the newfound “Momentum”, the band is determined to take their sound farther than ever before. More shows are being planned, more videos are being recorded, and more sharks are being inflated.

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